World Maps


Database statistics and World Maps

This page contains some usefull maps derived from the existing database. It appears that the most common breakwater type is the Rubble mound ( 48%) followed by Berm breakwaters ( 10%). The most common armour type is the Accropode ( 32%) followed by rock ( 14%). Finally the country with the most recorded breakwaters is Spain ( 53).

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Total breakwaters per country
Breakwater Type per country
Armour type per country
Interpolated design wave height
Interpolated design wave period

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This is a database prepared by HR Wallingford and TU Delft with the assistance of the international breakwater community and has been made freely available for the benefit of breakwater designers, contractors owners and developers worldwide. The database is subject to regular updating as information becomes available, however the development and maintenance of this database relies primarily on information supplied or published by third parties and no responsibility can be taken for the accuracy of data supplied.